This tutorial is intended to get you started with writing your own
Spex specifications. We'll cover all basic features of the specification
language and explain how they interact with the toolkit via the
command-line utility (which can be obtained following
the installation instructions).
Before we start, let's discuss in what situations you might want to use Spex in the first place.
In what situations is Spex useful?
Having a specification is useful for different reasons in different situations, here are a few:
A new system is being developed, a specification is written and:
- A mock of the backend API is derived from the specification for frontend, so that the UI development can start without waiting for the functionality to be available;
- The same specification is used to test the API once done, if the tests pass it's likely that the two components will be compatible.
An existing system is being maintained, a specification is written to:
- Document the system, perhaps for onboarding or documentation generation;
- Generate tests and potentially increase the test coverage;
- Since both the documentation and the tests are derived from the specification, we get some guarantees that the documentation isn't stale.
A legacy system is being rewritten, a specification is used to:
- Document and test the old system;
- Develop and test the new system;
- Since both are tested against the same specification, we get some confidence that they will behave the same.
An external system dependency, where the specification can be used to mock the dependency's API, so that it can be made part of the integration test suite.
In this tutorial we'll try to give you an idea of how any of these scenarios can be done.
An example system: petstore
Spex isn't a programming language in the traditional sense. In particular the system we want write a specification for will need to be written in another language.
Why? Well, Spex simply doesn't have the language features necessary to do normal programming.
So let's start by writing a simple HTTP API server in Python using Flask.
from flask import Flask
from flask import jsonify
from flask import request
= Flask(__name__)
# NOTE: Not thread-safe and won't work if clients connect concurrently.
= {}
@app.route("/pet/<pet_id>", methods=["GET"])
def get_pet(pet_id):
if pet_id in petstore:
= petstore[pet_id]
pet_name return jsonify(petId=pet_id, petName=pet_name)
return jsonify(error="Pet not found"), 404
@app.route("/pet", methods=["POST"])
def add_pet():
= request.json.get("petId", None)
pet_id = request.json.get("petName", None)
pet_name if pet_id in petstore:
return jsonify(error="Pet already exists"), 409
= pet_name
petstore[pet_id] return "[]", 201
@app.route("/health", methods=["GET"])
def health():
return "[]", 200
@app.route("/_reset", methods=["DELETE"])
def _reset():
petstore.clear()return "[]", 200
if __name__ == "__main__":
If we save the above into a file called petstore.py
then we can launch the server using
flask --app petstore run
. Once running we can add new pets
as follows:
$ http POST :5000/pet petId=1 petName="apa"
And look up pets by their id as follows:
$ http GET :5000/pet/1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"petId": "1",
"petName": "apa"
First basic specification
One way to specify the above example is as follows:
component PetStore where
: POST /pet Pet
addPet : GET /pet/{petId : Int} -> Pet
type Pet =
{ petId : Int
: String
, petName }
We can then verify that the implementation matches the specification as follows:
$ spex verify --port 5000 example/petstore-basic.spex
i Verifying the deployment: http://localhost:5000
against the specification: example/petstore-basic.spex
i Checking the specification.
i Waiting for health check to pass...
✓ Health check passed!
i Starting to run tests...
✓ Done testing!
Found 0 intereresting test case.
49% addPet (49 ops)
51% getPet (51 ops)
Not covered (no non-404 responses):
Total operations (ops): 100
Use --seed -7124542298296952417 to reproduce this run.
Let's go thought the output line by line.
- First we are told which server is getting checked and against which
specification. One thing to note here is that the default host is
, but it can be changed with the--host
flag; - That the specification is being checked is referring to it being parsed, scope- and type-checked;
- Before the tests start we make sure that the system under test is up
and running by checking if a health endpoint is returning a 200 response
code. The health endpoint is assumed to be
by default, but can be changed with the--health
flag; - The tests start, in this case we didn't find anything interesting.
We can see that the test generated 49
operations, which all succeeded, and 51getPet
which all returned 404 not found; - We do see that
didn't get proper coverage properly, i.e. it always returned 404; - Finally we are shown the seed used as basis for generating random
operations. Note that we don't need to restart the server between test
runs, it knows about the
endpoint and does the resets itself.
So while we didn't get any interesting test failures, didn't properly
cover getPet
. Why is that? In order to explain this we need
to understand how the testing works.
How the generative testing works
The way testing an implementation against a specification works is by generative testing. If you've seen property-based testing or fuzzing before, then you'll hopefully find this familiar.
The way the tests work is as follows:
- Pick an operation from the specification, e.g.
; - Generate random parameters for the operations, e.g. in the case of
the parameter ispetId
of type integer; - Execute the operation against the implementation, i.e. make the HTTP request;
- Check if the response code is 2xx, if so go to 2, otherwise save the operation together with all preceding operations (these will minimised, or shrunk, and then presented as an interesting test case);
- Stop once we reached some amount of test cases, by default 100.
Now we are in a position to answer why getPet
covered. If we look at the specification for getPet
we see
that it takes a petId
of type integer, and as we just said
this petId
parameter gets randomly generated. So, assuming
that we are using 64 bit integers, we got 264 values to pick from when
generating an integer. That means that the chance of generating a random
that has previously been generated during a
operation is small, and therefore we 404 all the
time! Let's have a look at how we can fix this next.
Abstract type modality
We've seen how by always generating new petId
s we'll
rarely call getPet
with a petId
that has
previously been added via addPet
If only we could say something like "don't make up random
, but rather reuse ones that you've seen already in
previous operations"...
Well as it so happens, there's a feature to do exactly that. It's called abstract modality, i.e. the random generation machinery should treat them as abstract and not try to generate them randomly.
The syntax for saying that a type should be treated as abstract is the following:
$ diff -u example/petstore-basic.spex example/petstore-modal.spex
addPet : POST /pet Pet- getPet : GET /pet/{petId : Int} -> Pet
+ getPet : GET /pet/{petId : @Int} -> Pet
The mnemonic being @
looks like an "A", which is the
first letter of abstract. If we run the tests again with this newly
changed specification, we see the following:
✓ Done testing!
Found 0 intereresting test case.
15% getPet (15 ops)
52% addPet (52 ops)
33% getPet (33 ops)
Total operations (ops): 100
Use --seed 6320047119747240588 to reproduce this run.
Notice that we got fewer 404 errors now, because of the abstract
) annotation on petId
How is this implemented? Basically any time we generate any value,
e.g. a petId
as part of an addPet
we store it in a "generation environment". If a type is annotated with
the abstract modality, we'll reuse old values from the generation
Responses from operation also gets stored in the generation environment, and maybe be reused when generating subsequent operations.
Unique type modality
The abstract type modality ensure that values of the underlying type get reused, but what if we wanted to do the opposite -- enforce that values never get reused?
This can be achieved with the unique type modality (#
The mnemonic being that "#" character is pronounced "hash" and
(cryptographic) hashing functions uniquely identify its inputs.
We've already seen an example of when this might be useful. If we try to add a pet with a pet id that already has been added we get a "409 Pet already exists" error, if we want to tell Spex to avoid generating add pet operations that result in conflicts, we can change the specification as follows:
$ diff -u example/petstore-basic.spex example/petstore-modal.spex
- addPet : POST /pet Pet
+ addPet : POST /pet #Pet getPet : GET /pet/{petId : @Int} -> Pet
Mocking APIs
We've seen how to check that an existing system adheres to a specification.
In order to show how a specification can be useful before the system is implemented, let's have a look at mocking.
To start a mock server, use the mock
$ spex mock example/petstore-basic.spexi Starting mock server on http://localhost:8080
Use --seed -684280361768894873 to reproduce this mock.
In another terminal, we can interact with the mock. For example we can pretend we are adding a new pet:
$ http POST :8080/pet petId=1 petName="apa"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Or pretend we are retrieving a pet by its petId
$ http GET :8080/pet/1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Note however that we don't get back the same pet that we added! The specification isn't an implementation, and not rich enough to describe that if we add a pet with some id and then try to get a pet with the same id that we should get back the same pet1...
The way mocks work is that they accept requests with parameters of the right type and return randomly generated values of the right return type.
We've seen how writing a specification for an existing system gives us generative testing which can increase the coverage and find interesting sequences of requests that result in non-2xx responses, JSON parsing errors or unreachable endpoints.
We've also had a look at how we can get a mocking for new systems or third-party dependencies from a specification, which can be useful in integration testing.
Whether the server implementation or specification is written first doesn't really matter, but longer term we hope that writing the specification first will be helpful in developing the server (because it gives you tooling that could be useful in the development). For more (future) uses of specifications, see the motivation page.
Next you might want to follow the installation instructions in order to start running Spex on your own. Although keep in mind that Spex is still in alpha stage and not suitable for use on anything larger than toy examples, such as the petstore we've seen above.
One could imagine richer specifications that could describe this relationship though. Future releases of Spex might add such functionality, but for now it's not possible.↩︎